Instructor Debbie Garcia is a Gold Certified HypnoBirthing® Educator and Lactation Education Counselor with a background in corporate training and facilitation. She is a mother of four and a successful HypnoBirthing® parent.

Debbie shares, “My birthing experiences have all been wonderful, but I am convinced that using the Mongan Method of HypnoBirthing® is ultimately what leads to successful and extraordinary natural births and virtually seamless post-partum recoveries.”

She reminds people that she is no different than any other expecting mother, and that achieving amazing and positive birth stories is not an unrealistic goal. “I go through all the same pregnancy feels everyone else does, I ask the same questions of my providers, and I prepare for birth the same way I teach others to, but I have experienced the fastest, smoothest, and most empowering births and that is exactly what I want to bring to others.”

Let’s get started.

My classes are extremely comprehensive. You’ll gain the knowledge and education to dispel fears, the confidence to make informed decisions, and the tools to birth like a boss.