Top 10 Breastfeeding Must Haves

After feeding 3 littles, I have definitely gotten a feel for which breastfeeding products on the market earned the title of “must haves” in my infant feeding journey. Check out this .pdf for a quick guide or read on for a few additional details.

10. Holding spot number 10 on my list was a good chair or piece of furniture to nurse from with a foot stool or designated foot rest. Can you breastfeed a baby anywhere? Yes. Will you breastfeed your baby everywhere? Most certainly. However, in those first few days, weeks, and even months of intense nursing sessions, it is worth having a designated nursing station that will provide your body with support in all the right places.

9. Depending on what vitamin and supplement regimen you had during pregnancy you may have felt like a mini pharmacy, but all that supplementation typically can continue into your post partum months. It may be beneficial to stock your medicine cabinet with your regular prenatal or postnatal vitamin along with some handy galactagogues and sunflower lecithin to support healthy milk flow and production.

8. If you are planning to return to work, selecting a durable pumping bag or backpack for your electric breast pump and parts is a must. It is definitely a worthy investment as I continue to use my bag to this day as the perfect diaper and day travel bag for my 3 children.

7. It really does not matter what kind of pump you get (passive, hand, or electric) but having a breast pump is a great investment. For mothers planning to stay home and exclusively breastfeed, a passive or hand pump might be all you need. Those traveling or returning to work should consider a double electric pump. And those who have the ability to purchase one, might enjoy the freedom that comes with a wearable pump.

6. If you are a little shy about nursing in public but do not want to be shut in your home 24/7, try browsing nursing covers and or nursing friendly clothing. If breastfeeding tops are not in the budget, just layer your clothes for discrete access to the breast with everyday items already in your wardrobe.

5. No one wants to be caught in public with breastmilk leaking through their shirt. Getting a set of reusable nursing pads will help you check this concern off the list. Look for pads made from a good wicking material for more comfort and breathability.

4. When it comes to breastfeeding in public, I always feel like my comfort is all about the bottom layer. I have skimmed on purchasing nice nursing bras before in hopes of saving on costs but when it is all said and done, I would rather invest in a great bra instead of the cute tops. You can breastfeed in just about any old loose fitting top, but you cannot nurse easily with any old bra.

3. So inevitably after a few months your little bundle will outgrow the nursing pillow and opt for a standard bed or couch pillow or no pillow at all, but for first time moms (or any mom really) it is a big plus to have a designated nursing pillow to provide that extra shelf of support for the many nursing sessions during those first several sleepless months. Do not forget, that pillow can also double as a support for baby at around 6 months or so when they begin to sit up on their own. Well worth it.

2. I am big fan of having a portable box or caddy to keep all my essentials. Bottled water, snacks, burb clothes, change of clothes for baby, etc. It can be one of those items that can bring both beauty and function to your day.

1. My top must have would be a good nipple cream and or oil to help soothe mama during those first few days and weeks of breastfeeding. I find having a cream to use just after a nursing session and some natural oil (coconut or olive oil) for help massaging any potentially clogged ducts is the best care method I needed when adjusting to nursing around the clock.

I hope you find this list helpful. For tips on more breastfeeding must haves for specific concerns (i.e. inverted nipples, low milk supply, etc.) feel free to send me a private message and I would be happy to share more tips and tricks for success.

